April 05, 2018
We are very pleased to invite you all to attend the Nalacs Thesis Award 2016-2017 on Thursday April 5th in CREA Amsterdam. Come and join the award ceremony for the best MA thesis written on Latin America and the Caribbean, including presentations of the nominated students and a talk on nature conservation in the region by environmental anthropologist Fabio De Castro on the basis of the short documentary ‘Wild Wealth’. The event is free of charge and open for all to join!
INTRODUCTION (17.00 hrs)
Welcome in the Theaterzaal of CREA Amsterdam by Nalacs board member Rosanne Tromp.
Wild Wealth is a short documentary (2012, 25′) financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and produced by National Geographic. Its film crews traveled from the Andes to the Amazon to tell five stories that illustrate the need to protect the region’s natural resources.
Following the screening of the film, environmental anthropologist Dr. Fabio De Castro (CEDLA: Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation) will briefly address the multiple images and discourses built around ‘nature’ and ‘conservation’ in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the implications of these contrasting meanings and narratives for the struggles over environmental justice in the region.
THESIS AWARD CEREMONY (17.40-19.00 hrs)
With Pecha Kucha presentations by the 8 nominees!
1. Renée Beune with her thesis ‘The Inca Berry and los Uvilleros: The Struggles around the Production of a New Global Superfood in Ecuador’s Northern Andes’;
2. Karin Brummelhuis with her thesis ‘(Super)Food for Thought: An Explorative Research on Demand of the Peruvian Maca ‘Superfood’ in Relation to Biopiracy, Food Crimes and Environmental Harms’;
3. Rebeca Costa Camoes Rabello – Design Methods for a Water-Sensitive City: Brasília as a Case Study
4. Maira de Jong van Lier with her thesis ‘Stories of Land and Power: Combining Narratives and Entitlements in the Analysis of Agricultural Expansion in the Region of Matopiba, Brazil’;
5. Heidrun Kerl with her thesis ‘Development Implications of the Peruvian Gastronomy Boom: A Social Movement Analysis’;
6. Ola Plonska with her thesis ‘This Garden Is Who I Am: How Urban Gardeners in Havana Experience their Relationship With the State, Their Gardens and Moments of Freedom’;
7. Raquel Salinas Peixoto with her thesis ‘Beyond a Brazilian Dream: Citizenship and the Lived Experience of Haitians in Brazil’;
8. Simone Snoeijenbos with her thesis ‘Tax Morale in Colombia: Evidence on the Fiscal Social Contract’.
The award for the best thesis as well as the award for the best presentation will be decided by a jury consisting of Dr. Flávio Eiró (Radboud University), Dr. Jaime Hoogesteger (Wageningen University & Research) and Linda de Geus (winner of the NALACS Thesis Award 2015-2016).
DRINKS (19.00-20.00 hrs)
Drinks and networking at the bar.
This event is free of charge and open for all to join!
CREA Amsterdam (Theaterzaal)
Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, 1018 WV Amsterdam